Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

IT Technicians Fired After Reporting Child Porn

1. What message is sent to IT workers by the actions of New York Law School and Collegis even if unrelated job performance issues justified their actions in firing Gross and Perry?

     ANSWER : The message  sent to IT workers by the actions of New York Law School and Collegis even if unrelated job-performance issues justified their action in firing Gross and Perry is they were placed on probation first after they reported finding the photos of Mr. Samuels. Gross rated as "fully competent plus" and Perry rated as "excellence", there was no reason to fired them. I think the school fired them about the issue of Mr. Samuels because this issue will affect the reputation of New York Law School.

2. Since the incident, a number of states have enacted laws that require workers to report immediately any child pornography found while servicing equipment. Most of the laws state that a worker who reports such discovery is immune from criminal, civil, or administrarive liability. Failure to report such discovery can result in a fine, imprisonment, or both. Do you think such laws will encourage reporting? Why or Why not?

     ANSWER : Yes, if I found a child pornography while servicing equipment I will report it like Gross and Perry did. Because that is not right to have a photos of nude young girls in your files. If you are a real professional, you do not have to do such thing that will make you regret someday.

CASE 3 : When Certification Is Justified

1. How can organizations and vendors change their certifications programs to test for skills as well as core knowledge? What issues might this introduce?

     ANSWER : The organizations and vendors can change their certification programs to test for skills as well as core knowledge is to take the CISSP examination, like so many other IT certifications it is a multiple choice. Most of exams are presented in a multiple choice format. Employers and IT workers alike have begun to recognize limitations of these types of examinations. They want to ensure that examinees not only have core knowledge but also know how to use that knowledge- and a multiple choice exam, even six-hours, 250 questions exam like the CISSP.

2. What are the primary arguments against certification, and how can certifying bodies change their programs to overcome these shortcomings?

     ANSWER : The primary arguments certification that testable IT knowledge does not necessarily translate into IT quality work. Respondents explained that hardworking IT workers focus on skills and knowledge that are related to their current projects and they do not have time for certifications that will quickly become obsolete. A worker needs good communications and problem-solving skills as well as perseverance to get the job done well.

3. What are the benefits of certification? How might certification programs need to change in the future to better serve the needs of the IT community?

     ANSWER : The benefits of certification is indicates that a professional possesses a particular set of skill, knowledge, or abilities in the opinion of the certifying organization. Unlike licensing, which applies on to people and is required by law, certification can also apply to products and is generally voluntary. Certification programs might need to change in the future to better serve the needs of IT community and certifying bodies are beginning to adapt their programs to better fulfil the evolving needs for certification in IT.

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